
Six original designs. 12 cards and envelopes per box.

The Confederate Christmas Card Collection

$12.00 per box

“Christmas 1862”

“Known Only To God”

$12.00 per box

$12.00 per box

$12.00 per box

“Christmas in the Camp”

“Confederate Wreath”

“Confederate Heroes”

$12.00 per box

“Christmas Plantation”

$12.00 per box

Mixed Box — Two of each original design

$12.00 per box

Second Series Confederate Christmas Cards

Four more original designs.

12 cards and envelopes per box.

$12.00 per box

“Confederate Heroes

Army of Tennessee”

“Hanging of the Greens”

$12.00 per box

“Christmas at Moss Neck”

$12.00 per box

$12.00 per box